At the core of beats the heart of an extraordinary team of editors, each a shining star in their own right. Together, they create a diverse and dedicated group of professionals, bound by their unyielding commitment to the art of content curation. Their combined expertise forms the bedrock of every article, tutorial, and feature they carefully craft, guaranteeing that remains a peerless haven for all things related to hair, beauty, and beyond.

With a keen eye for detail, our editors dive deep into the essence of every subject they explore. They unravel trends, uncover hidden treasures, and distill information into a format that not only educates but also enchants. It is this meticulous dedication to precision that elevates's content, ensuring that each piece is a tapestry of knowledge, motivation, and style.

Meet Our Editors:

Ellen Maistrenko
In 2016, Ellen embarked on her journalism career, fervently seeking and delivering valuable content to empower women in their style transformations. Her dedication led her to ascend to the role of Editor-in-Chief at Through the years, she honed an impressive expertise in the realm of hair, haircuts, and hairstyles, immersing herself in thousands of articles and countless hours of technique exploration.

Vira Melnyk
Vira, a dedicated beauty influencer, channels her passion into an all-encompassing beauty blog with a special focus on hair. When she joined our LoveHairStyles team in 2018, it felt like a stroke of luck. While her enthusiasm for hair care shines through, she also keeps a keen eye on the latest trends in cutting, styling, coloring, and other hair-related topics, ensuring our broad audience receives the very best.

Anastasia Granich
Anastasia Granich, a cherished member of the Lovehairstyles team, views hair care as an overlooked art form. With a keen eye on the latest trends, she delights in imparting her expertise.

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